1A First Alternative

Information about these manuals

The 1A-manuals have been divided into three levels: users, local administrators and 1A-managers. These levels refer to the different levels of privileges a user can have in the computer network.
This manual explains the differences between the different kinds of users.

In computer networks, not all users have the same rights to make changes to the network. This is due to several reasons: to protect data that should not be accessable to everyone, and to protect the system. Large amounts of data might easily be lost and viruses might spread quickly.

In this set of manuals, several levels of rights need to be used to perform all tasks. It could very well be that for some changes you do not have the right rights and need to contact someone else, for example your system administrator. The level of rights required to complete a manual is listed at the start of each manual.


User manuals
  • User: this is the lowest level in these manuals. Anyone that can login to the network can perform these tasks. These tasks do not require any special knowledge and can be done using a 'normal' username and password.
Domain Administrator manuals
  • Local administrator: this is the intermediate level in these manuals. To perform the action described in these manuals you need to have permission to make changes at the computer level. In most organizations these rights have been limited for security reasons. If this is the case you need to contact your network administrator to have these actions performed.
  • Domain administrator: a user who is a member of the "Domain Admins" group. This user will have access to most of the domain.
1A-manager manuals
  • 1A-manager: this is the highest level in these manuals. The changes made on this level affect the entire network and a little specialized knowledge is required. To perform these actions you need to be able to login to the 1A-manager. To perform one of these actions, you might have to contact your network administrator.